So according to Fox News I am a Serial Killer :O

Calvin likes watching the US Fox News channel over his breakfast most mornings, this morning no different.  While I was sitting next to Calvin this morning – he watching Fox, me reading my over night messages (on my phone) while drinking my cup of tea, I hear one of the presenters on #Out Numbered state in jest “anyone that still hand writes notes is a serial killer”.  OMG my poor phone was nearly covered in my tea that I was drinking!


Give me a frigging break Fox News – what a completely stupid and LAME thing to say EVEN as a joke!  Which I hope it was just a sad presenter trying to be funny!  Attitudes like this is sadly why the New Zealand postal system is about to reduce the days of the week they deliver the post/mail/serial killer notes!  Because people are no longer sending personal mail; the only mail that is going out these days is BILLS and even most companies are now emailing even those!

Am I one of the few serial killing letter writers out there?  I write to a handful of my overseas dear friends each month.  YES I know by the time the letters arrive, if its important I would have either iMessage, emailed or heck if really urgent called them with what might be in the letters.  But come on, nothing beats getting something else in the mail other than a bill or in our case a postcard sent by ourselves to, well ourselves LOL (yes we do that as well).

2014-11-16 19.15.50

SO why mock people that still have the art of personal letter writing?  HELL mock people that still know how to hand write a note by referring them to a social outcast that normally has anti social behaviours and have a habit of knocking people off!!!

My view of Fox News was low before this but now it is rock bottom!  If they want to throw rocks they need to move from the glass house because there is a few things I could say about the bimbo looking female hosts they have for most of their shows or something about their fake hair, eye lashes and WAY to short dresses they are always wearing as well!  But that would be ranting or being mean and I wouldn’t globally label someone or a group of people =? it wouldn’t be “fair and BALANCED now would it!



…the continuing story of a quack who’s gone to the dogs…

Well after yesterdays post showing you my serial killer side, I decided that this Thursdays post I should follow up and tell you a little more about myself.

If you don’t get the title, then you are not a muppet fan.  Which as a child I was (under statement there).  I have seen to this day every Muppet Movie out there – and yes that is sad but I am muppet fan proud and will say it loud lol.  It’s a generational thing, yet another – you have to have grown up in the 70’s and 80’s to truly understand what I am going on about.

I am, if you haven’t already worked it out at times a little odd lol.  I don’t do what is considered the ‘Social Norm’.  Even my studies are a little different.  I have just returned to uni (college for my American friends) and next year I am going to be full time (unlike this year) where I was doing a little catch up so I could get into the courses I wanted.  I will be returning to a double degree in Law and (wait for it) Anthropology (so the study of people and the cultures they live in, so I can either put them away or help them to go free).  See not the double most people would be doing.  NO I am not going to become like ‘Bones’, the TV show, who happens to be an Anthropologist (in the show) just a different one to what I want to be.

I love movies, both old and new.  I will watch pretty much any movie that is on; even if its sucks beyond belief.  I love to see everything, as if I watch them all (movies that is) then I might find a movie which I might not normally pick and LOVE IT!  Then I am all the more entertained.  Odd for a movie buff, but I also love reading books.  I will search out movies that I have enjoyed and also read the book.  Sadly not always both are as awesome as the other :(.  I love Westerns, Action, Thriller, Scary, Drama, Funnies heck pretty much if it’s a movie then I will watch it!  Thou saying this I am not so much a RomCom girl.  Which Calvin is very thankful for (since we take turns on who gets to pick the movie we are going to see).

What else… well you know that I have a keen interest in serial killers already.  I like to read about them as well as watch movies on them.  No have no interest in meeting one or becoming one lol.  I just like to read about what makes them tick and I like the scared witless excitement from watching movies (real or otherwise) about the topic.  Nothing ‘dark’ there.

I like to travel off the beaten track and prefer seeing stuff as a local over as a tourist so we try to blend in as much as we can.  I love to research places we are going, which includes the history and current news of the town/city.  I love getting on the road and have dragged poor Calvin hours down a road to see a stack of rocks, or a scene from a movie.  Doing this research makes the planning just as enjoyable as the travelling.

When I was a kid I wanted to grow up and be just like BJ McKay and his best friend Bear.  Which again we are back to the 70/80’s thing.  Calvin jokes that the show might be the reason I love road trips so much…

But who really knows what’s actually going on in my head lol.  I was a typical kid of the 80’s, if it was on TV, from America, and had cars/bikes/planes or about being in space I was glued to the TV.  Which is funny as nowadays I am finding I watch less and less TV and prefer movies or books.  I only have a handful of shows that I watch now – something that even I am a little shocked over (still).

The given things people know about me, is that I like to blog – duh.  I love to travel (even bigger duh) and I was a professional photographer in my (past) life.  Which funny enough is how I started to blog.

Well, there is a little about me.  Next week we continue the I Heart Mondays photos, and on Tuesday I have a post on “being a tourist in your own backyard’, Wednesday will be on Photography, and I haven’t decided on next weeks Thursday post yet?  Since it’s so near to Christmas it may well be something a little Christmas-ly.


Hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little more and see just because I have a ‘thing’ about serial killers, I’m not weird in the least – ha ha ha ha 😉



One day….

I keep on saying one day I will tell you the story about… and never get back around to telling the story.  Today is the day I do!  A few Monday’s back I posted a pic of a stack of car pine tree freshers in a “I heart Monday’s” series.

My forest

SOOOO the little story behind my pine forest of (now) not so smelly trees.  Did you know that I love scary movies?  Well you do now.  I have always loved to be scare witless while watching movies, ever since my first scary movie at the ripe old age of 5, yes you read correctly FIVE years old.

Where the collection of car freshers comes from, is one of my all time favourite serial killer movies ‘Seven’.


This is where the killer is killing to the 7 deadly sins.  One of his victims, is found (barely alive) in his bed.  The ceiling is full of these little car freshers.  To keep the rotting air so piney fresh smelling.  I loved that little detail in the movie.  It stuck in my head, so one day as I was about to replace a smelly with another little smelly tree, this scene popped into my little head and I joked about having my own little ‘forest’ just in case I ever have the need to bump off Calvin and have to store his body in the boot for a period of time *wink wink* before I am able to dispose of him.

Calvin chuckled slowly.

So there it is.  My story behind my little pine forest in my car.  My running gag on how to hide the rotting smell of my poor Calvin who may end up in the boot one day,but whom I love very much and truly would never hurt ;).  REALLY I wouldn’t lol!




Just in case you have noticed that I have been a tad slack relating to my regular posting, well simple reason.  It’s Christmas, we are busy popping here, shopping there.  Trying to get everything done before Christmas Day.  So yep, I have missed a post or two and yes they are totally out of order.  But these things happen 🙂